Ridgely Minutes in Time

On November 8th, 2010, Ridgely had a 15 ½ foot clock installed in the park across from Town Hall. This was a project of the Historical Society that began in 2007.  Originally it was the idea of a group of volunteers in Ridgely who called themselves ‘Community Together’.  However they disbanded, and the Ridgely Historical Society took up the lead in bringing their idea to fruition.  Today, anyone can own a minute of Ridgely’s time for a $10.00 donation. Once purchased that minute will be taken out of circulation the will remain unique to whomever the buyer designates. A Certificate of Ownership will be provided.


Certificate examples of Ridgely Minutes that have already been purchasted.

Certificate0003_Keller Certificate0007_Schwab Certificate0011_Moore1 Certificate0013_Moore3 Certificate0016_Moore6 Certificate0021_Stouffer Certificate0031_Cooper Certificate0032_Barker

Application Ridgely Minute
